ALTERA FINANCE completed the absorption of depository assets
Feb 26, 2010 ALTERA FINANCE Investment Group (Kyiv) completed a deal of the absorption of depository assets of “Securities Industry” OOO (Donetsk), which began in December of 2009. The asset value of the group’s assets was Detail |
ALTERA FINANCE IG paid the interest income to its clients in time
Feb 16, 2010 ALTERA FINANCE PJSC paid the regular interest income for their bonds to its clients-investors for the 9th interest period on 16th of February 2010. The annual interest rate is Detail |
ALTERA FINANCE increases the volume of deposited assets
Dec 11, 2009 ALTERA FINANCE IG has started the takeover of the depositary assets of LLC Securities industry (Donetsk). The volume of the assets is UAH 60 m. The deal value is not disclosed. Detail |
ALTERA FINANCE manages a project for an additional issue of shares
Dec 11, 2009 Private joint-stock company SPAS insurance company, a part of VSK Insurance group, has successfully conducted a private placement of its additional issue of shares over the period of Dec 1-10, 2009. The share placement took into account their market value, which was determined by an independent appraiser. The issue volume was UAH 20m, bringing the authorized stock of SPAS to a total of UAH 30m. Detail |
Nov 20, 2009 Limited Liability Company Konstantinovka metallurgical equipment plant (EDRPOU code 25599771), whose underwriter is ALTERA FINANCE, informs that, according to the decision of the company’s General shareholders' meeting (minutes ¹004-ÊÇÌÎ of Nov 12, 2009), the annual rate for LLC Konstantinovka metallurgical equipment plant’s open bond issue has been set to 17% for the 17th- 24th interest periods. Detail |